The new, so-called ‘ASNLF’ cannot claim the heritage of Tk Hasan di Tiro

BERANDA ACEH - Firearm classified based M0U helsinki howeever we are now questioning specifically to your father damien kingsbury as advisor GAM mou time helsinki, helsinki whether M0U still valid?

Because of the indonesian republic 71 points obligations only one or two points are in the keep, while the two points that the duty GAM has in keep it just all of it, therefore we conclude that M0U helsinki no longer valid, the its consequenses armed group in aceh be legitimate take up arms again,
how do you think the father damien kinsbury ???

Can you clarify for me which were the only one or two points that RI kept from the 71 points of obligation? I think I can name a lot more than one or two. If there is really a problem with the MOU then the governor should take up the matter with the CMI in Helsinki and seek to have these concerns addressed. I remember that Irwandi was criticised because he did not push Jakarta on every point of the MOU, but notice that Zaini is doing even less. My view is that Irwandi did a good job that was not appreciated. The former GAM leadership, however, of which Malik is leader and Zaini his puppet, have done less well, except for themselves. It is very easy to talk about taking up arms when you are in Western Australia; do you remember the suffering of the DOM? The disappearances? The bodies and the displacement and the fear? It is not posible for Aceh to win anything further through weapons, except more suffering. That was the strategic reality of AGAM versus the TNI. One of the ‘one or two’ things that the MOU did fulfill was Aceh’s political parties and freedom of expression in Aceh. Use them, loud and strong. That is what they are for. But if you want to volunteer to start an unwinnable war against RI, make sure you ask permission of the people of Aceh, to whom you will bring so much suffering..

The TNI always opposed the Helsinki MOU because it humiliated them into accepting less than the military victory they believed was possible. It also reduced their economic involvement in Aceh, maybe worth $100-150 million. And, finally, it also limited the TNI’s rationale for continuing involvement in the affairs of the state. Failure of the MOU could bring all those things back. I have no doubt, with PDI-P, they see the opportunity to do so. The question is what to do about it. I would use the ‘voice’ of the people, in the media, street protests and other public statements, to reject a return to conflict and touphold the complete MOU. The MOU was not perfect – I know that as well as anyone – but it was enough, and it achieved something like that wished for by the grandfathers who fought for a federated Aceh under Darul Islam. So we should respect the grandfathers and use the voice the MOU gave us .

Just to clarify, Tgk Hasan di Tiro authorised the Helsinki peace process and gave it his blessing. He also agreed to the MOU and oversaw the meeting that changed GAM into a political party (or parties) in which Malik Mahmud said he would step away from active politics and allow GAM members to vote for their political leader. They did so, and then Malik overturned that decision, against his own commitment, leading to the split that has resulted in PA and PNA. The new, so-called ‘ASNLF’ cannot claim the heritage of Tk Hasan di Tiro. Only the PNA has been true to the original agreement to which he gave his blessing. 
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