10 Things Wives Want to Hear from their Husbands

Beranda Aceh 08-01-2015 - 1. “Thanks for all you do for our family.”

Yes, you work hard.  You might even feel that your load is a million times heavier than your wife’s.  But your wife works hard, too…and a little thanks goes a long way.

2. “You are a great mom and wife.”

If you really want to make her day, go beyond saying “thank you” and praise her for doing a good job.

3. “Let me do that for you.”

Your wife realizes you are exhausted when you get home from work.  She probably is too.  So offer to help out.  Start with something small like cleaning up after dinner.  Or, if you really want to score points, do the laundry or something else you normally don’t do.

4. “I love you so much.”

Did you notice the extra words, after the “I love you?”  Telling your wife you love her is a great start, but telling her why you love her, how much you love her, or that you’ll love her forever, will melt her heart.

5. “You are beautiful.”

No matter her age, her size or how long you’ve been married, a woman loves to hear that you think she’s attractive.  And, don’t just say, “You look nice.”  Instead, use adjectives like, great, lovely, fantastic.

6. “Let me watch the kids.”

If you already watch your children regularly, good job!  If you don’t, think of it this way.  When you offer to take care of the children, your wife gets to recharge her batteries.  A wife with a recharged battery is usually more patient, kind and loving.

7. “Let’s go out tonight.”

Take charge of your next date night.  This shows your wife that you enjoy spending time with her.

8. “I’m sorry you had a hard/frustrating/disappointing day.”

These words let your wife know that you are aware of what’s going on in her life.

9. “I would marry you all over again.”

In one sentence you’re telling your wife you value your life together and that you’re committed to her.

10. “How can I be a better husband to you?”

Hearing these words will either make your wife burst into tears, smile like a kid in a candy store, or, if she’s completely shocked, laugh uncontrollably.  Before you ask this question, though, be ready to hear what she has to say without being defensive.

Article from markmerril
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