Statment dari Team Helsinki Watch yang dikirim ke seluruh dunia

BERANDA ACEH - Setelah hampir 10 tahun kini team Helsinki Watch kembali menampakkan diri dengan mengirin statment ke UniEuropa, hal ini dilakukan karena melihat keadaan di Aceh semakin tak konduksif dan makin tak terarah. 

Pada dasarnya team ini sudah sering mengontak Tgk Malik Mahmu dan yang lain agar segera melakukan sesuatu agar Aceh tidak lagi kembali ke kancah kekacauan, tapi disebabkan kesibukan atau alsan tertentu maka Tgk Malik Mahmud tak pernah dapat dijumpai untuk berbicara secara detail, oleh sebab itulah team Helsinki mengambil sikap untuk melanjutkan pekerjaan yang belum selesai ini. 

Atas keputusan bersama maka mereka bersetuju untuk mengirim statmen ke orang orang yang di anggap penting dan pernah terlibat di suruh  Europa dan dunia lainnya.

Ini adalah isi statment dari Team Helsinki Watch yang ditulis oleh Tgk Bakhtiar Abdullah.

Statement by MoU Helsinki Watch
6 April, 2015

The Aceh Peace Agreement, approaching its tenth anniversary is under threat with the latest incident and military operations of the Indonesian armed forces in Aceh. This has caused grave concerns to the local people and Acehnese diaspora.

On Tuesday, 24 February 2015, two Indonesian intelligence officers, were found dead at the Nisam Antara sub-district, North Acheh. They were killed by unknown armed men and the motive of the killings is still unknown. But the security forces have accused Nurdin or ‘Din Minimi’ a former GAM guerilla, held responsible for the killings and kidnapping in the area.

Initially, the police authorities were taking the lead in the investigation but it seems that the Indonesian armed forces are in the upper hand. A few days later, after the bodies were found, more Indonesian soldiers were deployed and stationed in these areas. The local people were hindered in attending their farms in remote areas. House search were carried out. Night duties by local vigilants have been imposed in the area.

Although it was reported in the local press that there were only some 400 Indonesian soldiers, we have received preliminary reports that the numbers are larger, scattered in the areas. In addition to that, there were even disturbing statements issued from the high Indonesian military brass to re-instate the military status in Aceh and intensify military operations in the area.

We would like to point out that these military operations are against the spirit of the MoU and clauses agreed, namely:

4.10 Organic police forces will be responsible for upholding internal law and order in Aceh.
4.11 Military forces will be responsible for upholding external defense of Aceh. In normal peacetime circumstances, only organic military forces will be present in Aceh.

We kindly call upon the international community, especially, the CMI and the European Union as well as the Government of Indonesia to stop these military activities and to maintain the peace commitments as agreed in the MoU between the GAM-GoI, to achieve eternal peace in Aceh.

Bakhtiar Abdullah
Member of MoU Helsinki Watch
Member of GAM Delegation in the Acheh Peace Talks, Helsinki 2005.
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